Key publications from SIO committees, special interest groups, and/or individual SIO members vetted per SIO standard operating procedures. Note: all SIO guidelines are located under “Practice Guidelines”, not here.
Advancing Integrative Oncology: The Society for Integrative Oncology Education Committee’s Journey and Vision
Integrative medicine in oncology: redefining the standard of care
The Society for Integrative Oncology-American Society of Clinical Oncology Joint Guidelines on Integrative Therapies for Symptom Management-Overview and Key Recommendations
Exploring the Roles of Patient Advocates in Integrative Oncology
Establishing an Integrative Oncology Service: Essential Aspects of Program Development
Integrating Yoga in Oncologic Care: Answering the Call to Develop Best Practices
Advancing Health Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in Integrative Oncology
How Integrative Oncology is Transforming Cancer Care
Exploring the Roles of Patient Advocates in Integrative Oncology
Psychosocial and Integrative Oncology: Interventions Across the Disease Trajectory
Cancer-Related Fatigue Outcome Measures in Integrative Oncology: Evidence for Practice and Research Recommendations
The Society for Integrative Oncology: Two Decades of Global Leadership in Evidence Based Integrative Health Care
Tackling heterogeneity in treatment-resistant breast cancer using a broad-spectrum therapeutic approach
Personalized Mind-Body Medicine in Integrative Oncology: Meeting the Moment with Each Patient
Integrative oncology: Addressing the global challenges of cancer prevention and treatment