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Patients, Care Partners and Patient Advocates

Save the Date! The 22nd SIO International Conference will be held in Boston, MA, Oct. 27-29, 2025.

Scroll down to see the patient advocate, caregiver, and trainee activities during the 2024 Conference.

Dear Patients, Care Partners, and Patient Advocates, 

This page is for people with cancer, their care partners and families, and for patient advocates.

If you are like us, you are searching for the answer to these questions:

  • What else can I do in addition to standard cancer treatments?

  • How can I manage side effects during and post treatment?
  • How can I improve my quality of life?
  • What does the science say about therapies such as acupuncture, mindfulness, yoga, and supplements?

We are excited to share our SIO space with you. Welcome to our Society, which leads the field of evidence-informed integrative oncology information and resources to help you on this journey.

SIO leadership consistently invites our voices into the society’s initiatives at every level. SIO respects our perspectives, which in turn help drive the goal of improving quality of life across the cancer care continuum. We are facilitating progress towards accessible, equitable and attainable integrative oncology care.

About SIO Patient Advocates

  • Who are we? Cancer patients, survivors and thrivers of many cancer types and stages, care partners, advocates, nurses, wellness providers, researchers, writers
  • What is our mission? To construct and promote a strong and supportive community for patient advocates within SIO that educates, expands awareness and understanding of advocacy in integrative care, and allows for professional growth and partnership with multidisciplinary oncology providers who share SIO’s priorities.
  • What do we do? Influence equitable and inclusive health care policy, develop qualitative measurement, advise research design and implementation, provide the patient voice in clinical practice guidelines development, champion education on evidence-informed integrative oncology care, collaborate with other groups within SIO to plan conferences, create original, educational web-based content, supply current and relevant social media content and much more.

How can I get in touch with the SIO Patient Advocates?

Email with “Patient Advocate Inquiry” in the subject line. We’ll respond to you promptly.

How can I join the SIO Patient Advocate SIG (Special Interest Group)?

Joining any SIO special interest group is a membership benefit. 

First, join SIO (See “Join SIO” button on top menu of home page). 

There is a place in the membership form to add your interest in this group, or email us at with the subject, “Join Patient Advocate SIG.”

Research for Wellness

Created by SIO member and cancer survivor, Cheryl Leving, this website contains evidence-based information for a healthy “new normal” after cancer diagnosis and treatment, along with a list of integrative cancer centers in the US and much more.

Important: SIO does not provide individual patient referrals or treatment recommendations. Patients should always consult with their healthcare team about adding any evidence-informed integrative or complementary therapies to their care plan.

SIO 2024 International Conference (October 25-27, 2024)
Thank you to all who made the ChangeMakers Lounge and activities a success. 

Here is the schedule from #SIO2024 in Costa Mesa, CA.

Thursday 10/24
6:30-8 pm
PA/Caregiver/Trainee Get Together - Waterfall Terrace, Westin Hotel
Friday 10/25
9:00 am
Patient/Caregiver/Trainee Networking - Bring your breakfast and get to work enjoying each other’s company!
10:30 am-2:30 pm
Sessions in progress - no lounge programming
3:45-4:15 pm
Chair Yoga/Meditation with Tari Prinster
5:15-6:30 pm
Poster Presentations: What Should I Know? Enjoy a Poster Session Walkthrough with Allison Rosen and Haley Schuman to learn about abstract and poster design elements and interpretation. Meet in Poster Presentation Hall.
Saturday 10/26
7:50 am-1:30 pm
Sessions in progress - no lounge programming
2:30-3:00 pm
Chair Yoga/Meditation with Tari Prinster
3:30-4:30 pm
Sessions in progress - no lounge programming
5:30 pm
Dinner Meetup - Not going to the Gala? Now’s your chance to go out with other ChangeMakers!
Sunday 10/27
10:15-11:15 am
Telling Your Story panel with Kara Kenan and Burt Rosen
12:30-3:00 pm
Sessions in progress - no lounge programming