Welcome to Integrative Oncology Talk, where we discuss the latest science and opinions from leading voices in integrative oncology. Integrative oncology utilizes complementary therapies and lifestyle strategies to help those affected by cancer, using personalized approaches and evidence-based recommendations. This podcast is hosted by Dr. Santosh Rao, a medical oncologist and integrative oncologist, and Dr. Judith Lacey, a Supportive Care and Integrative Oncology Physician, and Leigh Leibel, a Mind-Body Specialist and has since evolved from purely audio podcast to video podcast. The Society for Integrative Oncology, an international multidisciplinary organization whose mission is to advance the science and education of integrative oncology worldwide is proud to support this video series which has received excellent ratings/reviews from the community,.
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You can reach the show with questions and/or suggestions at: integrativeoncologytalk@gmail.com and can follow along on Facebook.