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SIO 2024 Conference

The SIO 21st International Conference will be hosted by City of Hope, on October 25-27th 2024 with the conference theme “Full Circle Translational Integrative Oncology – from bedside to bench and back”.

Early bird registration, call for abstracts, call for late breaking abstracts have all closed.

City of Hope will not only be hosting the SIO annual conference this year, but also will be managing the conference registration and planning. If you have questions about logistics, travel, lodging, conference registration then sending inquiries to would be the best place to start. If you have questions about your abstract or workshop, then e-mail

Click on the banner above or click here to visit the formal City of Hope/SIO 21st annual conference website to register, purchase gala tickets, or purchase pre-conference workshops, and tentative conference schedule. There you will see the latest conference schedule, registration links, and so on.

Spotlight on some of the new additions for #SIO2024

As you register for the SIO conference, note that this year we are bringing back ticketed pre-conference workshops. We will be offering three concurrent workshops that will take place 8-10am on the morning before the kickoff for the official start of the conference on October 25, 2024. Only people who have purchased tickets ($100) for this event will be able to attend. By purchasing a ticket, you will have the option of attending one of three concurrent ticketed sessions.  The three conference workshops available are:

One of our most popular workshops, last featured at #SIO2016, is “Building Bridges: A Workshop on Establishing a Thriving Integrative Oncology Program” which was standing room only in 2016 and tickets sold out well before the conference. It will be led by world renown integrative oncology leaders at the major institutions including City of Hope, Memorial Sloan Kettering and Dana Farber Cancer Institute and include practical information to help any program leader succeed.

Then for our junior faculty/investigators we have will be offering the workshop: “Getting your Integrative Oncology Proposals Funded: Practical Advice from Experts and Funders” featuring presenters who have obtained ongoing NCI and non-federal funding support including former SIO President Jun Mao from MSK. Given, the number of young investigators and number of grants supporting IO proposals are increasing, we felt this was an important opportunity to offer our SIO members. Given the focused audience for this workshop this likely will not be offered again in the next few years.

Lastly, our third preconference workshop option is “Exploring the Growing Potential of Cannabis in Cancer Care” featuring the authors (and SIO former Presidents) of the recent “ASCO Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Adults with Cancer: ASCO Guideline” published in March 2024. Donald Abrams, Lynda Balneaves will be leading this workshop exploring evidence informed approaches of integrating cannabis into cancer care, along with a patient advocate who has benefited from cannabis personally during cancer treatment. This workshop will be more geared for patient advocates, administrators and clinicians.

So if you are flying in the night before the start of October 25, 2024 for the kickoff of #SIO2024 we highly encourage you to purchase these preconference tickets now during registration as we have had these tickets sell out before conference time. Also we welcome your valuable feedback on preconference workshops that you would like to see in future SIO events.



SIO 2024 International Conference Resources

Official SIO 2024 Annual Conference website for registration and latest updates (City of Hope)

Call for scientific abstracts and educational workshops submissions for #SIO2024

FAQ for scientific abstract submissions

FAQ for educational workshop submissions

Inclusivity Guidelines by which SIO operates

Latest SIO 2024 Schedule of Events